President Diosdado Macapagal & First Lady Evangelina Macapagal
hosted by President Antonio Segni, First Lady Laura Segni
& Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani
& Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani
July 1962
Pres.Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres.& Mrs Macapagal is welcomed by Pres.Segni
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome

Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres.& Mrs Macapagal is welcomed by Pres.Segni
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
during the welcome ceremony
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Pres. & Mrs. Macapagal arrival in Rome
Mrs Eva Macapagal & Mrs Laura Segni
Quirinale Palace
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
at Quirinale Palace grounds
at Quirinale Palace grounds

Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
at Quirinale Palace grounds
at Quirinale Palace grounds
at Quirinale Palace grounds

Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
at Quirinale Palace grounds
at Quirinale Palace grounds
Pres, Macapagal & Pres.Segni
at Quirinale Palace
Pres.Segni receiving the Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Rajah
at Quirinale Palace

Pres.Segni receiving the Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Rajah
at Quirinale Palace
Pres.Macapagal received the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
at Quirinale Palace
Knight Grand Cross with Grand Cordon ,Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
conferred to Pres.Macapagal by Pres.SegniCavaliere di Gran Croce Decorato di Gran Cordone Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana

Pres. Macapagal's children, Gloria and Diosdado Jr.
during the state dinner at Quirinale Palace
during the state dinner at Quirinale Palace
State Dinner, Quirinale Palace, July 6
Mrs Eva Macapagal is escorted by Pres Segni
befind them is Pres Macapagal escorting Mrs Laura Segni

Mrs Eva Macapagal is escorted by Pres Segni
befind them is Pres Macapagal escorting Mrs Laura Segni

State Dinner, Quirinale Palace
Mrs Laura Segni, Mrs Eva Macapagal, Pres Diosdado Macapagal
former Pres.Giovanni Gronchi & PresAntonio Segni
Mrs Laura Segni, Mrs Eva Macapagal, Pres Diosdado Macapagal
former Pres.Giovanni Gronchi & PresAntonio Segni

Pres. Macapagal lay a wreathe at the tomb
of Unknown Soldiers, Rome
of Unknown Soldiers, Rome
at the tomb of Unknown Soldiers, Rome
at the tomb of Unknown Soldiers, Rome

Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani was
also conferred the Order of Sikatuna
by Pres.Macapagal
His Excellency Antonio Segni
President of the Republic of Italy
1962 to 1964
His Excellency Amintore Fanfani
Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy
1958 to 1959
1960 to 1963
1982 to 1983
also conferred the Order of Sikatuna
by Pres.Macapagal
President of the Republic of Italy
1962 to 1964
Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy
1958 to 1959
1960 to 1963
1982 to 1983
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