Friday, July 28, 2023

United States ~ Philippines 1969

 Visit to the United States of America
by President Ferdinand Marcos 
& First Lady Imelda Marcos
to attend the
State Funeral of  former President Dwight Eisenhower
March  1969

Pres.Ferdinand Marcos courtesy call on Pres.Richard Nixon
White House
(Video Credit- Reuters)

Reception for Dignitaries attending the State Funeral
hosted by Pres.Richard Nixon
(Video Credit- Associated Press)

List of Heads of State, Government & Royalties
at the State Funeral

                                                   Pres.Richard Nixon & First Lady Pat Nixon of the United States 
                                                   Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran
                                                   King Baudouin of Belgium
                                                   Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg
                                                   Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands 
                                                   Lord Mountbatten of the United Kingdom
                                                   Pres.Charles de Gaulle of France
                                                   Pres.Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia
                                                   Pres.Seretse Khama of Botswana
                                                   Pres.Ferdinand Marcos & First Lady Imelda Marcos of the 
                                                   Vice Pres. Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam
                                                   Chancellor Kurt-Georg Kiesinger of West Germany
                                                   Prime Min. Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada
                                                   Prime Min. Suleiman Demirel of Turkey
                                                   Prime Min. Mariano Rumor of Italy
                                                   Prime Min. Il Kwon Chung of South Korea
                                                   Prime Min. Marcelo Jose das Neves Alves Caetano of Portugal
                                                   former King Constantine II of Greece
                                                   Sec.Gen. U Thant of the United Nations

 The Honorable Dwight D. Eisenhower
President of the United States of America
1953 to 1961

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Mexico ~ Philippines 1975


Visit to the United Mexican States
by First Lady Imelda Marcos
to attend the International Women's Year Conference
hosted by President Luis Echeverría & First Lady María Esther Zuno 
June , 1975

(Video Credit- United Nations Audiovisual Library)

First Lady Imelda Marcos addressing 
the International Women's Year Conference 

First Lady Imelda Marcos addressing 
the International Women's Year Conference 

First Lady Imelda Marcos greeting First Lady María Esther Zuno,
Pres.Luis Echeverría of Mexico & Sec.Gen. Kurt Waldheim of the United Nation 

First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican Pres.Luis Echeverría 
& First Lady María Esther Zuno 

First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno 

First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno 

First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno 
visiting the Mesoamerican pyramid at Teotihuacan

First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno 
visiting the Mesoamerican pyramid at Teotihuacan

 His Excellency Luis Echeverría Álvarez 
President of the United Mexican States
1970 to 1976