Monday, January 14, 2013

Iran ~ Philippines 1971

Visit to the Imperial State of Iran
by First Lady Imelda Marcos
to attend the
2,500 Year Celebration of the Persian Empire
hosted by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & Empress Farah Pahlavi 
Oct. 1971

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee 
arrives in Tehran, Iran

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee 
arrives in Tehran, Iran

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
arrives in Shiraz airport

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
arrives in Shiraz airport

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
arrives in Shiraz airport, welcomed by the shah's younger brother
Prince Abdul Reza

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
arrives in Shiraz airport, welcomed by the shah's younger brother
Prince Abdul Reza

Arrival Ceremony for First Lady Imelda Marcos

 Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

 Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the welcome ceremony

Empress Farah Pahlavi & First Lady Imelda Marcos
arriving at the Tent City of Persepolis

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Tent City of Persepolis

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Tent City of Persepolis

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Tent City of Persepolis

First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Tent City of Persepolis

Reception Hall

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & Empress Farah Pahlavi
at the Royal Banquet

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & Empress Farah Pahlavi
welcomes First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Royal Banquet

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & Empress Farah Pahlavi
welcomes First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee
at the Royal Banquet

from Left: Crown Prince Carl Gustaf of Sweden, Mrs.Judy Agnew
& Vice Pres Spiro Agnew of the United States, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
First Lady Imelda Marcos, Pres.Ludvík Svoboda of Czechoslovakia,
Queen Fabiola & King Baudouin of Belgium
Royal Banquet

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
First Lady Imelda Marcos & Pres.Ludvík Svoboda of Czechoslovakia

from Left: Mrs.Judy Agnew & Vice Pres Spiro Agnew of the United States,
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands & First Lady Imelda Marcos
Royal Banquet

from Left: King Frederik of Denmark, King Olav of Norway, King Constantine &
Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, Crown Prince Carl Gustaf of Sweden, Mrs.Judy Agnew
& Vice Pres Spiro Agnew of the United States, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
First Lady Imelda Marcos, Pres.Ludvík Svoboda of Czechoslovakia
& Queen Fabiola of Belgium
Royal Banquet

First Lady Imelda Marcos with US Vice Pres.Spiro Agnew & his wife Judy
Royal Banquet

Royal Banquet

Royal Banquet

First Lady Imelda Marcos at the Royal Banquet

Royal Banquet

Royal Banquet

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi delivering his speech at the Royal Banquet

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi delivering his speech at the Royal Banquet

Banquet Menu

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
being greeted by Queen Ingrid of Denmark

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

 Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee
visiting the ruins of Persepolis

presidential daughter Imee Marcos (extreme left), 
Prince Victor Emmanuel of Italy (far center),
Princess Grace & Prince Rainier of Monaco

Persepolis Parade

First Lady Imelda Marcos is seated with US Vice Pres.Spiro Agnew
Persepolis Parade

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi & Empress Farah Pahlavi
at the Persepolis Parade

First Lady Imelda Marcos seated at the front row with white parasol 
during the Persepolis Parade

First Lady Imelda Marcos seated at the front row with white parasol 
during the Persepolis Parade

Mrs. Marco's daughter Imee is seen in this photo in white parasol

First Lady Imelda Marcos beside US Vice Pres.Spiro Agnew
Persepolis Parade

Persepolis Parade

Persepolis Parade

Persepolis Parade Program

First Lady Imelda Marcos at the 
inauguration of Shahyad Tower in Tehran

from left: Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran, Queen Ingrid of Denmark,
Queen Anne Marie of Greece & First Lady Imelda Marcos
during the inauguration of Shahyad Tower in Tehran

Mrs.Marcos & daughter Imee

Guest were invited at the
Inauguration of Shahyad Tower in Tehran

Tent City of Persepolis, site of the celebration

luxury apartment tents for visiting guest
at the Tent City of Persepolis

Tent City of Persepolis, site of the celebration

Tent City of Persepolis, site of the celebration

 Interior of one of the guest luxury tent

First Lady Imelda Marcos in Iran
(Video Credit -Youtube by irm888)

List of Royalties, Heads of State & Government
& State Representatives at the Celebration

                                                  Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia
                                                  King Frederik IX & Queen Ingrid of Denmark
                                                  King Baudouin I & Queen Fabiola of Belgium
                                                  King Constantine II & Queen Anne-Marie of Greece
                                                  King Hussein & Princess Muna of Jordan
                                                  King Olav V of Norway
                                                  King Moshoeshoe II of Lesotho
                                                  King Mahendra & Queen Ratna of Nepal
                                                  Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tunku Abdul Halim 
                                                     & Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Bahiyah of Malaysia 
                                                  Emir Isa ibn Salman al-Khalifah of Bahrain
                                                  Emir Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali Al Thani of Qatar
                                                  Emir Sabah III Al-Salim Al-Sabah of Kuwait
                                                  Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman
                                                  Prince Franz Josef II & Princess Gina of Liechtenstein
                                                  Prince Rainier III & Princess Grace of Monaco
                                                  Grand Duke Jean & Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte
                                                     of Luxembourg
                                                  Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
                                                  Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh of the United Kingdom
                                                  Crown Prince Carl Gustaf of Sweden
                                                  Prince Juan Carlos & Princess Sofia of Spain
                                                  Princess Bilqis & Sardar Abdul Wali of Afghanistan
                                                  Princess Anne, The Princess Royal of the United Kingdom
                                                  Princess Basma of Jordan
                                                  The Begum Aga Khan
                                                  Prince Victor Emmanuel & Princess Marina Doria of Italy
                                                  Prince Mikasa & Princess Yuriko of Japan
                                                  Prince Moulay Abdallah & Princess Lamia of Morocco
                                                  Prince Makhosini of Swaziland
                                                  Prince Bhanubandhu Yugala of Thailand
                                                  Pres. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
                                                     of the United Arab Emirates
                                                  Pres. Josip Broz Tito & First Lady Jovanka Broz of Yugoslavia
                                                  Pres. Nikolai Podgorny of the Soviet Union
                                                  Pres. Franz Jonas of Austria
                                                  Pres. Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria
                                                  Pres. Emilio Garrastazu Medici of Brazil
                                                  Pres. Urho Kekkonen of Finland
                                                  Pres. Cevdet Sunay of Turkey
                                                  Pres. Pál Losonczi of Hungary
                                                  Pres. Ludvík Svoboda of Czechoslovakia
                                                  Pres. Yahya Khan of Pakistan
                                                  Pres. Varahagiri Venkata Giri of India
                                                  Pres. Suleiman Frangieh of Lebanon
                                                  Pres. Jacobus Johannes Fouché of South Africa
                                                  Pres. Leopold Sedar Senghor of Senegal
                                                  Pres. Moktar Ould Daddah of Mauritania
                                                  Pres. Hubert Maga of Dahomey
                                                  Pres. Nicolae Ceausescu & First Lady Elena Ceausescu of Romania
                                                  Pres. Joseph-Desiré Mobutu of Zaire
                                                  Pres. Rudolf Gnägi of Switzerland
                                                  Governor-General Roland Michener of Canada
                                                  Governor-General Paul Hasluck of Australia
                                                  Chancellor Willy Brandt of West Germany
                                                  Prime Min. Jacques Chaban-Delmas of France
                                                  Prime Min. Kim Jonq-pil of South Korea
                                                  Prime Min. Emilio Colombo of Italy
                                                  Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew & Mrs.Judy Agnew of the United States
                                                  Vice Pres. Mieczyslaw Klimaszewski of Poland
                                                  Vice Pres. Hussein el-Shafei of Egypt
                                                  First Lady Imelda Marcos & daughter Imee of the Philippines
                                                  Foreign Minister Rui Patricio of Portugal
                                                  Bundestag Pres.Kai-Uwe von Hassel of West Germany
                                                  Cardinal Maximilien de Furstenberg of the Holy See
                                                  Parliament Speaker Richard Henries of Liberia


His Imperial Majesty Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Shahanshah of Iran
1941 to 1979
Her Imperial Majesty Farah Pahlavi
Shahbanou (Empress) of Iran
1967 to 1979


  1. Majestic and beautiful (the event, the venue and the VIP gracing this grand event.

  2. What are the orders that Imelda wore during the banquet ceremony?

  3. Im also guessing that, the Philippines doesnt have an order in color yellow, it also doesnt look Iranian, my guess is, its a Malaysian order (Order of the Crown of the Realm) but wearing it on an Iranian occasion doesnt seems ok for me ,better if she wore the Order of Gabriela Silang if she doesnt have an Iranian order, well im not really sure about that order :)

  4. the Queen of Malaysia who's also on that banquet is also wearing a similar order.

  5. I was wondering whether the 'luxury apartment tents for visiting guest at the Tent City of Persepolis' was under creative commons or if you could give me permission to use it in an article I am writing about the history of Iran for my university journal

  6. Hello, may you able to post also about when former first lady Imalda Marcos arrived to iraq and Libya ?

    1. And also is was said Imelda travel also in north Korea, she met Kim Il Sung , Yugoslavia in Mexico 1975 , and in Spain 1975 funeral of Generalissimo Fenaci , can u upload those , thank you in advance

    2. Also u didn't include Earl Old Person from Blackfeet Nation even though it's not a country
