First ASEAN Summit in Bali
Feb. 23-25, 1976
Association of Southeast Asian Nation
President Suharto of Indonesia
President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines
Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore
Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj of Thailand
Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn of Malaysia
Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj of Thailand
Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn of Malaysia
(Video Credit- Reuters)
Pres Marcos welcomed by Pres Suharto of Indonesia
Pres Marcos welcomed by Pres Suharto of Indonesia
Pres Marcos welcomed by Pres Suharto of Indonesia
Pres Marcos welcomed by Pres Suharto of Indonesia
Pres Marcos delivering his speech at the summit
ASEAN heads of government signing the
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
ASEAN heads of government signing the
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
lower center: Foreign Min Carlos P.Romulo of the Philippines
ASEAN leaders
from left: Pres Suharto of Indonesia, Pres Marcos of the
Philippines, Prime Min Lee of Singapore, Prime Min Pramoj of Thailand,
Prime Min Hussein Onn of Malaysia
ASEAN leaders
ASEAN leaders welcomes guest at the summit dinner
Summit Dinner
Summit Dinner
Summit Dinner
Summit Dinner
ASEAN leaders informal meeting
ASEAN leaders informal meeting
ASEAN leaders
ASEAN leaders
the big five mighty leaders of south east asia, founding fathers of ASEAN. All of them are r.i.p.(+)except lee kuan yew of s'pore.