by First Lady Imelda Marcos
to attend the International Women's Year Conference
hosted by President Luis Echeverría & First Lady María Esther Zuno
June , 1975
the International Women's Year Conference
First Lady Imelda Marcos greeting First Lady María Esther Zuno,
Pres.Luis Echeverría of Mexico & Sec.Gen. Kurt Waldheim of the United Nation
& First Lady María Esther Zuno
First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno
First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno
visiting the Mesoamerican pyramid at Teotihuacan
First Lady Imelda Marcos with Mexican First Lady María Esther Zuno
visiting the Mesoamerican pyramid at Teotihuacan
President of the United Mexican States
1970 to 1976